About Me

Hi everyone! 
I'm a 21 year old college student and workout fanatic. I do my best to try maintain a healthy lifestyle and I love cooking up healthy recipes and striving to improve my fitness. I have worked for several years at a gym and I am hoping to become a fitness instructor soon! 
I love running, yoga, pilates, barre style workouts, and I am trying to change up my workout routine every once in a while. My favorite foods are grapefruit, Greek yogurt and avocados!
I've moved around a lot of as kid and I wasn't always conscious about my health. I have always done some form of physical activity so I was never too out of shape and I danced with a studio and ran track in high school. All of that changed when I fell off the bandwagon in college. Being at college led me to drinking, late night junk food, and a very toxic way of life. It took a trip to the hospital during a wild night out for me to realize a change was needed. 
About 2 years ago I started to readjust my life. I started by just doing Insanity workouts at home and occasionally workout videos on Netflix. I also started running trails and doing yoga. Instead of eating out all the time, I started to cook for myself and whipped together big salads with grilled chicken and cutting out processed foods. 
For awhile I struggled with orthorexia and I became so obsessed about my eating that it took over my life. I spent every second of every day picturing what I would eat, whether I should eat, and what would be best for my body. There were countless times I obsessively Google searched about nutrition related information. I panicked when my refrigerator was running low on lettuce or healthy foods. My social life took a dive because I no longer wanted to put myself in any situation that might compromise my routine. I no longer ate with my family or friends in fear that they would criticize my habits. Each night I was almost relieved when dinner was over and I didn't have to think about preparing my next meal. What started out as a healthy change became a monstrous obsession that prevented me from enjoying life. I no longer enjoyed my meals. I ate everything I though I was supposed to and my meals were pretty bland. Dressing up, going out with friends, flirting with boys and things I used to enjoy no longer had any meaning to me. I stopped wearing makeup or doing my hair. I didn't look forward to anything in particular and robotically went through my days working out and eating the same meals over and over. It was a dark period of my life and despite the fact that I was the skinniest I have ever been I was not happy. 
Since realizing my issue, I have been desperately trying to break out of that slump. It helped that I had a brief fling last summer that reminded me of how exciting and exhilarating my love life could be. Unfortunately I ended up with a broken heart and I risked falling into my old ways to to hopelessness and despair. While it seems pathetic, I have always somewhat pitied myself. I have always been the 3rd wheel with my friends and I have never had a real boyfriend or anything close. I used to be quite the party girl and go out to bars and parties but I felt empty and each night led to nothing. That was most likely part of the reason I gave it up completely. But not only did I stop going out, I lost the capability to enjoy myself doing anything at all. Even though there are currently still no guys in my life and it is a sad reality that most of my friends have boyfriends I am trying to find other ways to keep myself positive.
My downward spiral also wreaked havoc on my family life. My parents became increasingly worried over my new lifestyle and how different I had become. My sister felt like she had to live and look as I did and started to force herself to eliminate sweets and carbs and do workouts she dreaded. I could sense the tension at meal times when I ate something separate and it was sad that our family could no longer go out to dinner together happily like we used to. 
Though I am still battling with my mind sometimes, I think I have made significant improvements and I am working hard to stay on track. While I am still the same person, I am also very much different from freshman year. I'm not sure whether I've matured out of the partying lifestyle or if it because I fear its unhealthy consequences. Due to moving around a lot in my early life, I have never had a best friend or close confidante and I tend to hold my emotions inside of me. I must learn to trust others and remember that most people have good intentions. Step by step I am becoming a happier healthier person. I have learned to take pleasure in little things such as a delicious cup of tea on a cold night or a new neon sports bra. I now eat a more varied diet and I am no longer fearful about going out to eat or deviating from my regular routine. 
I reached my initial goal of losing weight and becoming physically healthier and I am now trying to maintain a balance between enjoying life and still be healthy and fit. 

My Ideal Body 
  • 115 lbs. 
  • Defined Abs
  • 24 inch waist 
Fitness Goals 
  • Complete a marathon 
  • Learn how to swim 
  • Be able to do a headstand in yoga 
  • Do 10 pull-ups
Bucket List
  • Kiss passionately in the rain 
  • Visit Paris! 
  • Be at Times Square on New Year's Eve 
  • Spend Christmas in NYC 
  • Go bungee jumping 
  • Go on a cruise 

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